Terms & Conditions of The Supply Chain Foundation Websites

Registered users implicitly agree to with the following terms and conditions:

Terms & Conditions of The Supply Chain Foundation Websites

This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions of your use of and the purchase of items from the Supply Chain Foundation (SCF) websites (http://supply-chain-foundation.com, http://supply-chain-foundation.org, http://store.supply-chain-foundation.org sub-sites and associated websites bearing the mention “Copyright © The Supply Chain Foundation. All rights reserved.”, collectively referred to here as “the Websites”).

The use of the Websites constitutes your acceptance, without modification, to the terms, conditions and disclaimers contained in this Agreement. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions you should not use any of the items or information contained herein and you should leave the Websites immediately.

Legal Advice
The use of the Websites does not constitute professional advice, nor does the transmission, downloading or sending of any item or other information create a consultant/client relationship. The items are standard styles only and require to be personalised to suit your own specific circumstances.

Distance Selling Regulations
Due to the digital nature of the items provided, no automatic right of refund or cancellation exists after a document has been purchased by you in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000.

Use of purchased items
You should ensure that any information supplied by you is correct before proceeding to payment. SCF does not accept responsibility or offer refunds if you provide incorrect information. We cannot be held responsible for any errors made by you in entering incorrect information.

Copyright in the items provided belongs to SCF unless specifically stated otherwise. You may not provide any item for re-sale or re-publish or re-distribute any item for use by others. You may not translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, adapt, vary or modify the items provided.

If you purchase access to SCF item by way of a subscription we reserve the right to suspend your subscription if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that you are in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions.

If you purchase a SCF item or have access to a SCF item under a subscription then the item may be used for personal or business use by you but the item may not be re-sold, re-published, re-distributed or used in part or whole to create documents for any other party.

We guarantee that any SCF item purchased by you will be effective in the circumstances outlined in the item description when accurately completed and executed by you or the item will be replaced or credit vouchers of equivalent value will be provided. Items provided at no charge do not bear any effectiveness or rectification obligation.

The information and documents available on the Websites are provided on an "as is" basis without any representations or endorsements made and without any warranty of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of fitness for purpose, merchantability and accuracy.

Nothing contained in the Websites is intended to constitute advice of any sort, whether legal or otherwise and the basis on which you acquire or make use of any information or document is that the information or document is suitable for use by you in conjunction with proper advice as to its application and adaptation for your particular requirements. We will not have any liability to you at all if you use any information or document without obtaining appropriate legal advice nor will we have any responsibility at all for any alterations made to the document after you have received it.

By using the Websites you agree that in no circumstance shall the SCF be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of business or profits or any other financial loss, arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the Websites or the items, under any law or on any basis whatsoever whether contractual or otherwise. In addition you agree that if, for any reason, SCF is liable for any damages, other than those for death or personal injury, the total liability of SCF shall be limited to the amount of the item purchased and no more.

The Website may contain hyperlinks to websites operated by other parties. We do not control such websites and we take no responsibility for, and will not incur any liability in respect of, their content. Our inclusion of hyperlinks to such websites does not imply any endorsement of views, statements or information contained in such websites.

Alteration of Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to alter the Terms and Conditions from time to time, but this right shall not affect the existing Terms and Conditions accepted by you upon making a purchase using the Websites.

For complaints about our service or any SCF product please contact us at support@supply-chain-foundation.com. We shall endeavour to respond to complaints within 5 working days.

Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between us concerning its subject matter.

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall remain in force.

Your statutory rights are not affected.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England & Wales, and each of the parties submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

By accepting these terms & conditions, you agree to receive unsollicited emails as part of the service notifications, newsletter and other information services and not to list The Supply Chain Foundation domains in any "blacklist" or "junk mail" database. Conversely, The Supply Chain Foundation (SCF) is committed to respecting your freedom not to receive unsollicited mail and enables you to unsubscribe from mailing lists, with the exception of automatic service feedback which may be triggered when you buy or use any SCF service on-line and serve as useful communication to ensure that you are adequately informed and accompanied in your on-line experience with your satisfaction as our number one concern.

Users may - at any time- optout by sending an email info at supply-chain-foundation.com with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

àpart of a community of professionals





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