"The Supply Chain Foundation" offers a extensive range of services contributing to the development of Supply Chain Management (SCM) capabilities in individuals and organisations.

Such a range of services is unique in the market since most Supply-Chain oriented websites have a narrow focus on information and news (usually sponsored by tools providers) rather than the consistent building of skills and knowledge as a foundation for true Supply Chain Capability building.

"The Supply Chain Foundation" provides five categories of Services:

1. Access to information and knowledge in supply chain. In particular, members will be able to access data on logistics market trends and on supply chain it tools.

2. Provision of learning services including supply chain certifications and supply chain qualifications based on extended competency models and rigorous skills evaluations and a learn & practice area for members.

Find the training courses to develop your skills for logistics, purchasing, operations and lot more here.

3. Provision of Training Solutions to Corporates and Training Centers, including commercial off the shelf (COTS) solutions.

4. Provision of job market making services to facilitate the skills match-making between jobs and supply chain professionals

5. Provision of professional social networking services 


>>>>> To discover these services, please SIGN-IN below or fill in the contact form.

supply chain



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