SCILS : Flight Simulator for Supply Chain Professionals

SCILS (Supply Chain Immersive Learning Simulation™) is a learning-oriented Virtual reality game.

It is the Flight Simulator of Supply Chain Professionals for a life-long learning journey from studenthood to retirement. It has the following features:

- Full user engagement into “better-than-life” supply chain scenes.

- Realistic movements of assets with imbedded Supply Chain modelling freeing the users from tedious calculations.

- Variety of action-packed scenarios for full engagement training, following the principles of "action-learning".

- Deployable in class or on-line for full flexibility of training delivery.

- Measurable learning outcomes against calibrated skills metrics compatible with customer unique competency framework.

- Generic simulation, customisable to all environments !

Virtual reality DEMONSTRATION:

 Images are worth a thousand words

& Videos a thousand time more

Click on the image below to watch videos on YouTube:

SCILS: the Flight Simulator for Supply Chain Professionals

SCILS, "Supply Chain Immersive Learning Simulation ™" is an official trademark. Copyright © ACTIOM, All Rights Reserved

>>> Try it on the learn & practice area.

To purchase vouchers to use the game, go to the Store.


- Full user engagement into a “better-than-life” supply chain scene.


Gamification, Simulations or Serious Games?

The difference between Gamification, Simulations and Serious Games

Gamification is all about applying game elements (the ‘DNA’ of games) to non-game activities. It’s about making ‘normal’, day-to-day activities more compelling. Gamification leverages ‘game mechanics’ such as points, levels, badges and achievements to create engagement and interest.

Simulations are real and immersive games which offer an experiential educational experience. Simulations place people in a risk free environment which supports their engagement in an authentic experience which contextually demonstrates benefits and consequences.
Serious games use traditional gamecraft techniques (for example video game technology, Kinect, strategy) around serious concepts such as business, education, environmental or social issues.

In practice most serious games will based upon and use simulation as the dominant method of learning transfer. There may be a handful that are not, such as a Tetris like game that may improve visual search skills that may be transferred into performance on other tasks like air traffic control or bank trading screens. But in most serious games the student will practice the task / content of the domain.

If you are interested, here is a presentation on simulation/game distinction here

What terms we use to describe them may change depending upon who we are talking to. It’s funny, for corporate clients they prefer the term simulation even though many implementations include a lot of game mechanics. In the military, the term simulation refers to realistic models of behaviour only and they are happy with the game based learning term.

Read Linda’s full article on the G2G3 blog:


Why practice?

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do." Leonardo da Vinci

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