"The Supply Chain Foundation" offers of items for purchase on its Store:


This section of the catalogue contains market research reports relative to Supply Chain topics and include original field research and market insights from Supply Chain Professionals.

This store category is split into three various supply chain topics:

- Logistics reports- Purchasing reports- Operations reports- Complete Supply Chain reports

Self-Learning Practice (SCILS)

This section allows Supply Chain Professionals to purchase vouchers to use the Supply Chain Foundation Learning Environment in self-learning mode.

The platform is SCILS which stands for "Supply Chain Immersive Learning Simulation ™ " and is defined as a learning-oriented serious game. Please refer to the SCILS section of this website for the details. 

The vouchers are valid for a given category of practice game: complete or Purchasing, Logistics, Operations. Please refer to the relevant category.

Vouchers are not refundable but can be used for any game within a given category.


Guided Learning

This section allows buying access to the Guided Learning programmes of the Supply Chain Foundation. Such programmes are offered in modular fashion and blended format (instructor-led + on-line training). Most programmes are bought by employers, and access is given straight into the Supply Chain Capability Development Platform.

There is also a possibility for smaller firms or individuals to buy courses or course complements (such as additional case studies, exercises and practice runs on SCILS) through this store. Courses are categorised by competency level (from 1 to 6).


The Skills Assessment Tool is a beskpoke tool designed for The Supply Chain Foundation to enable the thorough and objective assessment of individual skills for current and aspiring supply chain professionals. The tool is based on a large bank of multiple choice questions, exercises and case studies. All questions are framed on the Supply Chain Management competency framework designed by The Supply Chain Foundation. The tool is used both for the testing of formal qualifications and for the evaluation of professionals as part of recruitment activities or of training needs assessments, including self-assessments. The buyers are individuals, corporations or recruitment firms. To buy your way into it, click here.

part of a community of professional


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