SCF motto is to "enrich professional lives" by developing people in four dimensions (personal, professional, career and wealth) in a global mindset (without any national or cultural prejudice) by giving access to four areas: Training, Job market, Knowledge and Networking.

SCF vision is to:

- Provide an integrated environment for enhancing the recognition of Supply Chain as a profession and the development of higher levels of skills and knowledge.

SCF mission is to:

- Create and sustain a professional recognition of individuals working in supply chain roles within corporations.

- Contribute to the professional development of personnel through training, networking and access to knowledge.

- Support organisations in attracting, developing & retaining supply chain professionals.

SCF objectives are to:

- Provide a comprehensive supply chain qualification framework, ensuring the professional and academic recognition of skills in supply chain.

- Set high standards of training for supply chain professionals.

- Provide specialised recruitment services for supply chain professionals.

- Offer professional networking services to supply chain professionals.


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